LinkedIn Rainmaker eBook

Here’s Just A Fraction Of What You Will Learn:

Why LinkedIn is hands-down the best place to find new leads (and how you can cash in on the platform responsible for 80% of B2B social media sales) (page 3)

How to streamline your sales process so you can spend most of your time closing, not prospecting (and hit your goals WITHOUT increasing your hours) (page 8)

The PROVEN best times to connect with your leads, send messages, and make posts (and how to use them to create an organized schedule that WORKS) (page 24)

7 steps to boost your LinkedIn profile to All-Star status (so you can easily build authority, credibility, and trust online) (page 14)

How to create a killer “elevator pitch” to stand out, position yourself as an authority, and resonate with your target audience (page 9)

How I signed over 25 channel partners in 12 months without making a single phone call (and successfully escaped the endless grind) (page 7)

How to outsource the entire LinkedIn selling process (without making a dent in your consistency or effectiveness) (page 33)

The “5 Ps” for engaging effectively with prospects & moving conversations offline (and getting a 15-40% acceptance rate for your connection requests within the first week) (page 18)

A clever way to instantly find & speak to hundreds of people in your target audience (page 11)

And so much more!

or learn how we can do all of this for you!