Is SEO For Me?
Wikipedia defines SEO as:
Search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the number of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) — including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.
What does it mean to you, the business operator?
By obtaining a high ranking, it’s like your business is open 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. High ranking means you are more likely to trigger a call to action such as an inquiry or a phone call. All businesses desires the chance to have a conversation about their goods and services. SEO accomplishes it.
Understanding a SERP’s algorithm and conducting optimization is an art in itself. Staying consistent in understanding and maintaining high-ranking placement is continuous. By having a plan and a resource that can assist you in maintaining your high rankings, your business has the capabilities of growing due to more inbound inquiries. At the end of the day, it’s a numbers game. You get more sales when you get more opportunities.
SEO can bring volumes of visitors to your website every day. Conversions of these visitors into leads truly compliments traditional ways (cold calling, networking events, email blasts) of soliciting new opportunities. Even better is converting SEO leads that were already interested in the first place.
Who is implementing SEO? Most likely the biggest competitors in your space are. SEO is getting more competitive. Everyone is jockeying for the top position. The differentiator is the talent of your SEO resource to “Out SEO” the competitors in the rankings.
The first step for any business is to determine the strategies, methodologies, and tactics. Then build a time-line plan and incorporate consistent methodologies and tactics. Before you know it, SEO becomes your most reliable source of leads that is automated and open 7 days a week / 24 hours a day.
Is SEO for you? It depends on the value you place on the process of gaining new qualified inquiries to your business.